Our Story
Planting and Growing
While ministering as an outreach pastor of a church in Greenville, God burdened Pastor Guy Altizer to start a church in Simpsonville, an up-and-coming area. After much prayer and hard work, 156 people met together for the first time on February 10, 1985.
The charter service of Calvary Baptist Church was held two years later on July 26, 1987. Around 30 members who were at that service continue to worship at Calvary today.
After a few years at a location on Curtis Street, the church purchased the original 13 acres of our campus in 1988. The first auditorium, nursery wing, and gymnasium were constructed. God provided additional facilities in the following years – our Administration Building which houses our church offices and the Youth Center where teens meet for worship and fellowship.
Expanding and Renewing
Pastor Dean Taylor came to our church in 2003 and guided the church through a new undertaking – constructing a larger place to meet to fit the growing congregation.
In August 2012, we celebrated the completion of that new facility and the beginning of a new season in the life of Calvary Baptist Church. We are now enjoying a place to worship, fellowship, learn, and grow that visibly represents to our community the ministry of Calvary.
From 2017-2023, Pastor Andrew Haney and his family served at Calvary with a heart to equip the church to engage the community for the Gospel and strive for healthy New Testament church life.

Engaging & Recentering
In August of 2024, we brought on Dustin Rogers as our Lead Pastor. His passion to preach the Word, engage the community, and center on the Gospel in all things makes us eager to see what God will do in days to come!
We are thankful for our past, serving in the present, and excited for the future as God helps us to be a place to grow.