New Year, Same God
January 17, 2023
Encouragement in This Time of Transition
March 14, 2023This spring, starting March 19 at 5:45 pm, we will be offering several options for discipleship classes:
- Bridging the Gap between Sunday Worship & Monday Work (Room 117) – 8 week study taught by Ken Horton: This class explores the relationship between faith and work, highlighting the idea that work can be seen as an act of worship. Through examining biblical principles and real-life examples in an interactive format, participants will gain a deeper understanding of God’s view of the importance of their daily work and help connect Sunday to their Monday world. Ultimately, the class aims to inspire and equip individuals to view their work as a means to serve God and make a positive impact on their workplace.
- Bridging the Gap between Generations (Room 116) – 8 week study taught by Matt Wells & Brian Bolderson: It feels like the generations today – “Boomers,” “Xers,” “Millennials,” or “Gen Z” – are more divided than ever before, both in the world at large and sadly in the church as well. How do we navigate the gap between the generations in a way that stands for truth but also expresses the grace we see in Jesus’ life? How can we repair divisions that have opened up in our families between parents and children, grandparents and grandkids? How can we create a culture where the older mentor the younger in our church and in the workplace? We invite all ages to come and participate in a helpful discussion on what the Word has to say about multigenerational relationships.