Ministry Fair & Fall Opportunities 2024
August 13, 2024
Commissioning Service for Dustin Rogers
August 19, 2024
Ministry Fair & Fall Opportunities 2024
August 13, 2024
Commissioning Service for Dustin Rogers
August 19, 2024

At the beginning of every school year, parents often feel like we are constantly giving reminders: “Don’t forget to get school supplies!” “Don’t forget your lunchbox!” “Don’t forget your keys!” As we work hard to make sure our kids have everything they need, we may find ourselves feeling exhausted and depleted.

But the good news is that our Heavenly Father meets us in these chaotic first days and weeks of a new school year. And he has some encouraging reminders for us, too.

As we march straight into a new school year, let’s remember these truths from the Word of God.

1) God loves your kid more than you do. This is one of the most humbling realities in the world. We would do ANYTHING for our kids, especially if they are feeling anxious, overwhelmed or inadequate. Yet I want to set you free with the truth that Jesus is 1,000 times better at taking care of your student than you are. It’s certainly not from lack of trying or lack of love on our end, but at the end of the school day God’s love is sweeter, stronger, and sturdier than ours is. Remind your student that you love them, always. But never let a day go by that you don’t help them hear, feel, and remember that God’s love is one that endures forever. (And claim this truth for yourself as well!)

How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings. -Psalm 36:7

2) God is always present. We can’t walk down all the hallways of life with our kids. We can’t sit in the back of the classroom to make sure they pay attention or to make sure someone pays attention to them. Sometimes, we try to be with our kids but can’t even get to them because of car line! But God is not bound by time or space or car lines. He is the God who is ever present and never bound. One of the greatest lessons your child could learn this year is that God will never leave or forsake His own.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever! -Heb. 13:8

Let’s take our back-to-school cues from Asaph, who exclaimed:

Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You hold my right hand.You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will receive me to glory. -Psalm 73:23-24

3) God is the best teacher. As the verse above shares, God is not only tenderly holding our hand, but He is also eagerly guiding us by His counsel. God has not left us to wander without instruction, but rather “guides us along the right paths for His name’s sake” (Ps. 23:3). God intends to teach us (and our kids!) lessons that could never be confined to a classroom. The amazing, good news of God is that He is right all the time (faithful, consistent, & holy), and that by His free grace, He teaches us that right-ness! Through the Spirit He has poured into our hearts, God intends to instruct sinners in the way and show us how we ought to live each day. A teacher may forget to cover the right content, and we as parents may not know how to correct our kids effectively, but God will always educate His kids with the truth they need to move forward. His lessons spread over years and decades to impact our hearts, minds, and bodies! 

Good and upright is the Lord; therefore He instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble His way. -Psalm 25:8-9

As we begin the fall semester, let’s remind ourselves to remember our good God in all this craziness! And don’t forget to remind your kids that God loves them. As they jump out of the car or head to their schoolroom to begin their classwork for the day, encourage them with the promise that He’s with them and that He is teaching them His way – even in the middle of Algebra class.

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