What To Expect



What is your Sunday morning schedule?

9:00 a.m. – Sunday Classes

During this hour, we study God’s Word together in classroom and small group settings. Classes are available for all age groups, providing opportunities for fellowship and spiritual enrichment as we grow in our knowledge of God.

10:30 a.m. – Morning Worship Service

Our morning service emphasizes clear, practical preaching and teaching, congregational singing, and  worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hearing assistance devices and sign language interpretation are available, along with Spanish translation on select Sundays. The morning service lasts about an hour and thirty minutes.

5:30 p.m. – Evening Activities

We gather together again each Sunday evening at 5:30 pm for Student Ministries (6th-12th), Truth Trackers (K-4-5th), Evening Discipleship Classes (adults), and our re|engage marriage ministry. Nursery is also provided. These activities run during the fall & spring and take a break during the Christmas season & summer.

What about my children?

We want you to be confident that your children are well cared for during each of our services. We provide a fully-staffed nursery and age-specific classes for children. These classes are designed to teach children the truths of God’s Word using age-appropriate stories, songs, and activities.

We prioritize the safety of your children with a secure check-in process. All children (infants through 5th grade) will receive a name badge upon check-in and may only be dismissed with a parent/guardian badge.


Supervised nurseries are available during all services, freeing parents to worship, receive instruction from God’s Word, and participate in ministry while feeling confident that their children’s needs are met.

Children’s Sunday Classes & Children’s Church

Sunday Classes for children 4 years old through 5th grade meet at 9:00 am. Following Sunday Classes, 1st – 3rd graders head to an assembly time and restroom break around 10:15 am. At 11:00 am, children are directed to one of our hands-on learning rooms – Art, Discovery, or Drama – to review what they learned during the class time through engaging projects. These programs take place in the Gym. 4th – 5th graders join their parents in the Auditorium for our Morning Worship Service.

Truth Trackers

On Sunday evenings from 5:30 pm until 7:00 p.m., children enjoy our Truth Trackers program. Truth Trackers is a children’s discipleship program that uses Bible lessons, Scripture memory, games, and activities to encourage love for God and His Word. During the summer, Truth Trackers takes a break.

For more information about our children’s programs and schedule, please visit our Calvary Kids page.

Student Ministries

Calvary’s Student Ministries for junior and senior high students in 6th-12th grade meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am and on Sunday afternoons at 5:30 pm. All of our student events occur in the green-roofed Youth Center beyond the Main Building on Davenport. Visit our Student Ministries page for more information.

What should I wear?

No matter what your personal style, you’ll be comfortable at Calvary. If you prefer casual, business, or dressy attire, chances are there will be many others dressed much like you when you visit.

Toddlers and children learn while they play, so their clothing often reflects their play and hands-on learning activities.

Junior and senior high students dress casually on Sunday evenings because games and events are sometimes held outside.

Where should I park?

We have parking near the Main Entrance for our guests.

What should I expect when I arrive?

Friendly greeters will meet you and direct you to the Auditorium, classrooms, or nurseries. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have during your visit. Information is also always available to you at the Information Center in the Atrium.

How can I connect with others?

One of the best ways to meet others and develop friendships is to be involved in a Sunday Class which meet at 9:00 am each Sunday. Classes provide opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth in a small group setting. You may also want to attend one of our mid-week Community Groups. These groups meet in homes throughout the community, offering another great way to meet people in a smaller setting as you study God’s Word together.


Around Calvary

Our Gym houses all of our children’s classes and programs. The Nursery wing is also used during the week for Calvary Christian Preschool. Our adult classes meet in the Main Building, while our college and young professionals meet in the Administration Building (where the church offices are located). Our Youth Center, the furthest building down Davenport, houses our Student Ministries (6th-12th grade).

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