Book Review: Take Heart
June 29, 2020
Why Psalm 27:1?
July 20, 2020Fall Series: Videos on Philippians
We have restarted our Wednesday morning devotional videos, this time tied into our Community Group study in Philippians. Join us about every six weeks for a new video over a section of Philippians. Groups, you can watch them ahead of time to prepare for the night’s discussion or watch them together at group. If you’re not in a Community Group, you are still welcome to watch and receive encouragement!
You can watch them on Facebook on Wednesdays at 9:00 am or here on this page (see below).
Here is the rough schedule for the videos:
- September 16: Philippians 1:1-11 – INTERCEDING
- October 7: Philippians 1:12-30 – CHRIST-CENTERED
- November 18: Philippians 2:1-13 – UNIFIED
VIDEO #1 on Philippians 1:1-11 – Interceding
Wednesday, September 16
VIDEO #2 on Philippians 1:12-30 – Christ-Centered
Wednesday, October 7
COMING SOON – Wednesday, October 7
VIDEO #3 on Philippians 2:1-13 – Unity
Wednesday, November 18
Summer Series: Videos on Psalm 27
Wednesdays @ 9:00 am
What do you need right now? A vacation? A return to “normal”? Things to slow down? Things to speed up? Our desires go up and down, depending on the news and circumstances of the day.
But what we all need more than anything right now is TRUTH. We are living in a swirl of voices, a chorus of chaos, a time when everyone has an opinion. But who has the truth?
While we scroll our newsfeeds or flip through the channels, there’s TRUTH sitting right within our reach. Not opinion, not speculation, not a theory, but absolute, unchanging truth, 100%.
We have the Word of God. And its truth clarifies. The Bible brings things into focus, it reveals what’s confusing, and it rearranges our priorities. It recenters us when everything seems “off.”
In a time when truth is at a minimum and we are not regularly meeting together in smaller groups outside of our Morning Worship Service, we want to spend more time together hearing truth, reading it, and learning how to apply it to our daily lives.
With that in mind, we’re putting together a series of short videos to help us recenter our lives on the One who is at the center of it all – our God. We want to offer some extra encouragement to you during this season of the “hamster wheel,” when we’re waiting on things like Sunday Classes, Community Groups, and other opportunities for discipleship and fellowship to restart.
Each Wednesday morning at 9:00 am for the next several weeks, we’ll put out a new video on this page (see below) and on our Facebook page. We hope they will be helpful to you, perhaps:
- On your commute. Start your workday off right on your drive to the office or “walk” to the home office (as many of us are still experiencing).
- With your family. Encourage the whole family by watching together over dinner or for morning devotions. We’ll do our best to keep them interesting, even for the kids!
- With your class or group. Engage your whole community group or Sunday class from afar by all watching the videos together or separately and then discussing them by text, email, or through a Zoom meeting.
However you use them, we just want to take around five minutes to ENCOURAGE you in TRUTH. We’ll start by having different members of the pastoral team talk through different aspects and different pictures of who our God is based on our memory verse, Psalm 27:1.
VIDEO #1 – God as King (Robert Horn)
Wednesday, July 15
VIDEO #2 – God as Light & Salvation (Jerry Barron)
Wednesday, July 22
VIDEO #3 – God as Stronghold (Robert Graziano)
Wednesday, July 29
VIDEO #4 – Waiting on God (Matt Wells)
Wednesday, August 5
VIDEO #4 – A God-Centered Church (Andrew Haney)
Wednesday, August 12
[…] Watch the Videos […]
Just discovered tbis yesterday. Thanks for all you do for Calvary.