Adult Education & Ministries
Whatever your age or stage of life, there are opportunities at Calvary for you to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, grow in your walk with Him, connect with other believers, and find a place of rewarding service. The primary place of discipleship and growth in the Word at Calvary is through our Adult Education.
Sunday Classes and Discussion Groups meet on Sundays at 9:30 am.
- Sunday Classes bring God’s Word to life – your life. Delve into God’s Word, grow spiritually, find encouragement, and develop life-enriching relationships with people who will rejoice with and pray for you.
- Discussion Groups provide study and discussion in a relational setting with a facilitating leader and small-group format. These groups include adults from every age and stage of life.
A greeter will show you where our Sunday classes meet. Feel free to visit several classes before selecting the one that fits you best.
Yearly Schedule
Our desire is for each class to provide a steady diet of biblical teaching that will help in your spiritual growth and maturity. The content for each adult class will vary year by year but will generally follow the annual schedule below.
- August-December: the Pastoral Team will select church wide topic, study, or curriculum.
- January-July: The teacher/facilitator will choose a topic or study.
The Care Group
Adult Sunday Class members are assigned to a Care Group. Care Groups reach out to their members in practical ways – praying for and encouraging one another, participating in activities and events, maintaining personal contact, etc.
List of Classes
Sunday classes are organized to allow you to find a group that has a teaching style and life stage with which you are most comfortable. Choose from:
- Six Multi-Generational Classes which are teacher led or facilitator led with wider age ranges:
- Abundant Life (adults 50+) – Main 204
- Encouragers (adults 50+) – Main 115
- Lamplighters (adults 50+) – Main 116
- Discussion Group: Gil Thomas (all ages) – A-1
- Discussion Group: Brandon Autry (all ages) – Music Suite (behind Choir Loft)
- Six Focus Groups which are teacher led or facilitator led with a clearly defined life stage or focus:
- College Students – basement of the Administration Building
- Young Marrieds (0-10 yrs. married) – Main 206
- Adult Bible Fellowship (5-25 yrs. married) Main 205
- Ladies Class (women) – Main 117
- Spanish-Speaking Class – Main 201
Men’s Ministry
We have a number of opportunities for Men’s Discipleship:
Men’s Cross Training is a time of Bible study, encouragement, accountability, and fellowship for men. It meets during the fall and spring.
Small groups meet at locations convenient to your home or workplace for breakfast, prayer, discussion, and Bible study. Groups run for 8-10 weeks from September-November and January-March/April.
- Coach House on Main Street in Simpsonville – facilitated by Mike Hooks
- Stax Omega on Orchard Park Drive in Greenville – facilitated by Dave Ivey

Ladies Ministry
We have a number of opportunities for Ladies Bible Studies this Fall:
Ladies Bible Study (Tessa Barron, Back of Atrium): This is a great time to jump in and enjoy a chapter by chapter, verse by verse study through Exodus and Numbers! This study takes place on Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm.
The Running Father (Carissa Wells): A video study by Kristi McClelland that will help you see the Bible through the proper cultural lens and ask yourself, “What does this teach me about God?” and “Who is He? What is He like? What does it mean to follow Him?” This study will take place on Thursdays from 9:30 -11:30 am, from September 19 – October 31 in Room 115. Childcare will be provided in the Gym.
Red Sea Rules (Kelly Hammond): This 6-week study focuses on God-given strategies for a difficult time, looking at the Israelites’ story in Exodus 14 . It will take place on Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the Admin building, from September 19 – October 24.
Sign up for any of the Ladies Bible Studies here.