Our Gospel Partners
Taking the Message to Different People in Difficult and Distant Places
Calvary supports many local, national, and international missionary families and ministry organizations. We believe the purpose of the church is to glorify and worship God by building itself up in the faith, by instruction of the Word, by fellowship, by keeping the ordinances, and by advancing and communicating the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world. The Great Commission – Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) – is the foundation of the Gospel outreach ministries and opportunities at Calvary.
We believe the Scriptures must be the foundation of our philosophy of Gospel outreach and partnerships. This biblical foundation covers five key areas which form our Gospel Outreach philosophy.
- Sound Doctrine – Rightly preaching and teaching the Word of God (Titus 1:9, 2:7).
- Prayer – Maintaining a continuing and proactive prayer support for partners and ministries (Colossians 4:2–4).
- Local Church Focus – Planting and supporting growth of the church in various cultural contexts (Eph. 4:11-13).
- Accountability – Ensuring accountability of the partnership we will endeavor to make certain the Word of God is being taught, the needs of our partners are being addressed, and financial resources are being effectively used (Acts 14:27, 1 Corinthians 14:40)
- Partnership – Partnering together for familial support and personal involvement with specific focus on financial, physical, and spiritual needs of the Gospel Partner (Romans 12:10-13, Philippians 4:14-16).

Categories of Gospel Partnerships



Pioneer Ministries
Opportunities in new or unreached cultures with limited Gospel access.
- Church planting
- Assisting in church plant
- New regions and/or people groups
Growth Ministries
Opportunities in ministries or cultures with previous Gospel presence.
- Strengthening existing works
- Theological training
- Church planting in areas of prior Gospel presence
These are very important in order to have a healthy missions ministry.
- One-time or limited involvement with Gospel projects
- Building projects
- Short-term involvement