Student Ministry

Dedicated Leaders | Lasting Friendships | Spiritual Growth

Middle and high school students (6th-12th grade) meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, and on Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm, in the Youth Center.

Our activities, gathering times, and small groups provide opportunities for friendships, encouragement, and spiritual growth.

Our Purpose

Calvary’s Student Ministry exists to glorify God though instruction, worship, and discipleship. We desire for teens to know God personally, love God whole-heartedly, and live for God in every area of life.

  • Instruction – We strive to be Bible-centered in our teaching and living.
  • Worship – We strive to prepare our hearts for teaching through engaging music.
  • Discipleship – We strive to help our teens grow in their spiritual walk through intentional relationships.
  • Knowing God – We want our teens to develop a personal relationship with God.
  • Loving God – We want our teens to desire God and His Word deeply.
  • Living for God – We want our teens to apply what they learn from God in all of areas of life.

Our Meetings

What do our weekly gatherings look like?

  • Sunday Class – We meet Sunday mornings from 9:00 am – 10:15 am for discussion and discipleship from a Biblical passage or topic and apply it to everyday living.
  • PM Gathering We meet on Sunday evenings from 5:30 pm – 7 pm. This gathering includes Dollar Dinner, fun activities, worship, small group discussion, and teaching from the Bible.

Our Activities

We typically have one to two activities per month (outside of our regular Sunday PM gatherings). Some of our activities are intentionally split and are geared toward middle school or high school, while other of our activities are combined and include both middle and high school together. Here is a breakdown for our activities:

  • MS – Middle school activity (6th-8th)
  • HS – High school activity (9th-12th)
  • ALL – Combined middle school and high school activity (6th-12th)